We have done these tests to see what some of our initial ideas will look like put into practice, we have decided to base our music promo on the idea of a mixture of childhood memories, involving different occasions and props e.g balloons as seen below. By showing a range of images we will be able to provoke different thoughts and emotions within our audience, as they will be able to relate most images with their own memories.

These two shots illustrate the idea of the simple, small object being re-invented into something fun and exciting, that which a child would do. In these shots we have blown up and thrown balloons into the air to try and capture a fun and enjoyable moment, from doing this test we can see that this idea will be effective and would work well in our promo, however we can see that we need to frame the shot much better, allowing a little glare from the sun, but not letting it take the shot over completely, as seen in the third image. We can also see from these shots that we made need a much clearer more simple backdrop, the trees work well in creating an effective and interesting shot, however it takes the focus away from the balloons which we intended to be the main point of focus. The light in the first and second image, work well in creating an idealistic looking environment.

We also decided focusing on childhood memories, that we should get some shots of a child's playground as this is something that is a main part of childhood. We have tested the idea of showing the elements of the play ground as well as showing people using the swings and slides ect... these shots can be framed and made to look more artistic, for example showing someone using a swing, framing the shot with the sun glaring in the background. Using a child's play area will give the promo a much more fun element, and will portray the ideas and images we are trying to get across to our audience.
We have also tested the idea of illustrating different events and occasions, below we are illustrating halloween and the idea of dressing up and going trick or treating. We want to use very simple short films and images that can be related to almost everyones childhood, we feel that this will be a good way of showing narrative compared to just following one story the whole way throughout the promo.
Video Tests
The three above images, show testing of the idea of playing in the leaves. We has the idea of throwing and kicking them towards the camera lens as a way of showing more interactivity, making it appear more like a home video, rather than something that has been professionally produced and that appears very impersonal. I like the way these shots have turned out and think that they create a very effective effect.
The two above shots show the idea of illustrating occasions such as halloween, following on from the image of the ghost, showing more of an acting element, we wanted to try to show the idea of a child playing up to the camera, and just generally having fun and enjoying themselves, I think these shots work well and give a quirky, interesting element.
With these shots we wanted to test the idea of just loosing yourself by spinning continuously round in circles, a game that some used to play as children. We wanted to show different views of this to give more a sense of motion, one showing an establishing shot, another showing the participants view whilst spinning making it personal, as well as putting the viewer in the video as it will give the effect that they are the ones spinning, triggering some childhood emotions and memories for them, and another showing the face of the participant, showing emotions and reactions to the game/action.