Monday, 27 June 2011

Preliminary Task: Storyboard

This is a storyboard showing the shots, shot types and ideas that we will be using to create our preliminary task:

1) The first shot will be a long shot/ establishing shot showing the artist sitting alone, this will also be the shot in which the artist is seen to begin singing.

2) The first shot will then fade into a couple of nature shots, which have come about through the analysis of the lyrics.

3) These shots will then fade back to a mid/ long shot of the artist walking down an isolated area, again showing her being alone, as a way of recreating the ideas in the song of being alone and lost.

4) This shot will be a frame by frame shot showing the heart breaking apart, this shot will also illustrate the lyrics of the song at that moment, as it talks about her heart breaking.

5) We will then have a close up/ reaction shot of the artist to show the emotion experienced and shown through the song and the lyrics.

6) We will then cut this shot to another showing a couple breaking up, showing over the shoulder shots of the arguments and reaction shots; this shot will be in time with the song to illustrate the lyrics at the time.

7) Following this a mid shot of the artist will again be seen; singing the lyrics from the song.

8) This shot will again fader to another showing the artist in a car, an over the shoulder shot will be used to shot the view from the car window, this shot will be timed with the music to amplify and illustrate a theme within the lyrics.

9) A shot will then be shown of the car driving away; this shot will then pan around and end with a nature shot.

10) A cross fade will then be used to layer an extreme close up of the artists face with the nature shot, to end the video. This shot will then fade to black in time with the lyrics softening.

A fade transition will be used a lot throughout this piece to try and keep with the speed and the feel of the song.

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