Tuesday, 12 July 2011

1990's Music Promo's

1995: Atlantis Morrisette- You Outta Know 

This promo is quite conventional as it shows the artist singing throughout most of the clip, it also shows the artist in quite an exotic looking location which is seen in a number of different music promos.

In a number of clips in this promo the artist is shown on her own in a very empty landscapes, which almost reflects some themes within the lyrics, and shows the idea of being alone and without someone. A number of different shot types are used throughout this promo, however a large number consist of mainly establishing and long shots, these shots help to show the vast landscapes which shows her isolation from anyone else. However cut into these shots, clips of her singing with a band are seen, giving the promo a more conventional performance aspect.

Towards the end of the promo the artist is scene in more built up areas which contrasts the shots seen early, reflecting a change in emotions of the artist (e.g. not feeling so alone any more)

1990: MC Hammer- U Can't Touch This  

This music promo is quite conventional for the genre of music that it is, being a dance track; compared to a song that would need to show narrative or emotion to illustrate the lyrics.

A number of different camera angles have been used throughout this clip to show different people in different locations as well as the artist, who in some shots can be seen singing/miming along to the words. A number of high and low angles shots are used as well as a range of close up shots to long shots. This video compared to others is a montage of all the different shots that they have got, this works as it reflects the energy in the song.

A lot of different editing techniques have also been used throughout this clip, some colours are made more prominent than others and some shots have been made on grey scales with only one or two colours shown, the mise-en-scene is mostly quite bright colours again reflecting the energy of the music. In shots where the mise-en-scene is darker the artist is spotlighted, and flashes of different colours can be seen which still creates are more cheerful and bright looking shot.

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